Outdoor Classrooms Goals for 2017
Every new year I come up with a word or mantra that inspires me. I try out a variety of words for a couple of days for size. It is a bit like trying on a variety of new dresses. I always end up with the one that feels the best. Once I choose my word/mantra, I create a vision board. The board is a combination magazine cut outs, writings, inspiring quotes and anything else that seems fitting for my chosen visions for the year. This year, I decided to be transparent about my process. I hope something inspires you. Regardless, the process of writing it all down, in this space, holds me accountable. My number one goal is to serve and inspire teachers to become Natural Teachers who create their own Outdoor Classrooms for children. So here goes. My 2017 word/mantra is ONWARD! 5% More!
I believe every child, in every school, should experience an Outdoor Classroom. I believe if you inspire a teacher to become a Natural Teacher, then that teacher will inspire their tribe of children to reconnect with Nature, which in turn ultimately creates healthier schools and communities. I call this my “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” theory.
My Outdoor Classroom Goals for 2017
1. To reach more teachers
If I can inspire 5, 000 teachers, I believe the ripple effect will occur. It seems like a crazy high number, but I am moving ONWARD and aiming for the stars!
How will I reach 5,000 teachers?
2. The Seedling Blog Posts
I will create a writing practice that requires me to write one NEW post a day. Posts will include topics about what is happening in my own Outdoor Classrooms Learning Lab, Natural Teacher Interviews, Activities, Book Reviews and Tips and Tricks for Teaching Outdoors.
3. Weekly Outdoor Classroom News
The Newsletter will continue to go out every Monday and will be a compilation of my blog posts.
4. Outdoor Classroom Facebook, Pinterest & Linked-In Community
To keep learning about Social Media. To become the “go to” person on Outdoor Classrooms.
5. e-Courses & e-Workshops
To continue to offer a variety of topics on-line for teachers to access on their own time. To have each e-course automated and open to enable teachers as many options as possible.
6. Outdoor Classrooms Learning Lab
To provide an environment where teachers can come and be inspired. To create a Retreat Center. To create Outdoor Learning Stations for four types of Gardens: Gardens that Feed, Gardens that Attract Wildlife, Gardens that Honor Intergenerational Connections and Gardens Rooted in Curriculum. Fine tune daily gardening practice. Hire a student to help in the garden and bring this vision to life.
7. Outdoor Classrooms Learning Lab Half Day Workshops
- March (Winter) Legacy Of Teaching Conference
- May (Spring)
- June (Summer)
- October (Fall)
8. On-Site Indoor/Outdoor Workshops
To continue to provide on-site workshops
9. Special Projects
- Little Free Library Tour
- New OPT In
- Website Updates
10. Live On-Site Interviews (12 total)
To collect stories (once a month) from Natural Teachers in their Outdoor Classrooms. This will either be a live interview or a Garden of the Month submission.
11. Attend Conferences for Natural Teachers and Leaders (5 total)
Attend both as a presenter and participant
12. Publish at least 20 Vimeo Videos
My goal here is to get in front of the camera, especially outdoors in my Outdoor Classrooms Learning Lab. I plan to share this content both in my blog post and e-Courses/e-Workshops.
13. Photograph Nature (365 pictures)
Take a daily nature photography walk. Take one picture a day.
14. Read at least 10 related books and review
15. Gratitude Jar
Add one gratitude (or more) a day
What are your Outdoor Classroom goals for 2017?